GIM, all you need
Control, adaptability and power
Thanks to its versatility, GIM can be used in various fields: industry, facilities, healthcare, fleets and maintenance services. Available in several versions adapted to our customers and always with the guarantee and security of a world leader in CMMS.
Version 11.0
GIM Android Mobility
GIM Android is an APP (not a browser application) that works on all Android 2.2 or later devices. It works without the need for coverage (only necessary for the reception and return of information to the server). With GIM Android, the operator is completely autonomous to perform all maintenance tasks. Among others, it has the following functions:

Complete management of warnings and work orders (corrective, preventive, conductive and/or predictive).
Integrated operation with barcode, QR and NFC.
Inventory of equipment.
Regularisation of warehouses.
Work with materials, labour times (in-house and subcontractors) and check list
Control of the presence of operators in the facilities.
Access to the technical documentation of the equipment.
Access to equipment history.
Association of images, video and voice in the interventions.
Reassignment, acceptance and rejection of work orders (under configurable permissions).
All this from an easy-to-use, user-friendly and efficient interface.
Integrated Maintenance Management
GIM is all you need,request a demo
Tablessynoptic tables
Real-time graphic display of warnings, incidents, work orders and status changes on synoptic diagrams of machines and installations. The user can navigate between these diagrams and view graphic alerts caused by equipment breakdowns or pending maintenance.
These alerts are configurable by means of rules that allow you to define which equipment (according to criticality, typology, etc.) or which types of maintenance should be displayed in the synoptic reports and in what way (icon to be displayed, with or without flashing, etc.).

Dynamic workload allocation
The workload assignment module allows the user to plan the workload of the operators, depending on the dates, types of maintenance to be carried out and other parameters or variables such as the type of intervention, cause of failure, criticality, type of equipment, installation, client, area, etc.
The assignment of each task can be done visually, easily and quickly to operators, groups, teams, shifts, and can be configured by calendars (in Outlook mode or others) or by work queues.
Management of automatic notifications
GIM has a fully customisable automatic notification module that allows the user to configure as many notification rules as necessary and under the combinations of parameters that the user deems appropriate.
It is possible to set up notification rules linked to warnings, work orders, labour assignments, warehouse movements, delays, fulfilment of warnings or work orders and budgets.
Coordination of business activities
For activities carried out by external companies, a series of specific documents are required for the activity carried out and with a specific expiry date (specific to each case and document). GIM integrates the following functionalities:
Definition of the documentation required from each supplier or group of suppliers (by ownership).
Uploading of the required documentation by the supplier.
Validation by the property of the documentation provided by the supplier.
Control of the expiry of the documentation provided, with expiry notification rules.
Acceptance or refusal of the supplier's access to the property's premises.
Geolocation of equipment and operators
GIM has a geo-referencing module that allows equipment and operators to be located on a map.
In the case of geo-referenced fixed equipment, mobile equipment with GPS systems and operators with Android devices, it is possible to view in real time the instantaneous location of each of them and the location history.
In addition, for buildings or installations, AutoCAD drawings or images in different formats can be included where the equipment is located graphically.

Outlook tasks in the workload
The job planning can be exported to Outlook and the work orders are displayed as Outlook tasks.
Quick start-up
Data import using Excel templates. GIM has a module for generating Excel templates that allows the user to fill them in and import the data himself and incrementally.
Using these templates, it is possible to import relevant information such as departmental and functional tree structures, teams, work centres, customers, suppliers, operators, users, complete maintenance ranges, warehouses and warehouse references into the application. These automated data upload processes allow us to quickly implement our maintenance solution.
New Audit Trail tool
Audit Trail is a tool that allows an administrator and manager of the application to consult all the actions of insertion, update and deletion of records that have been carried out by each of the users in the database.
The options we want to consider for their control (insertions, updates and/or deletions), are fully configurable for each user of the application.

Complete PPE management
GIM has a tool and PPE management module that allows you to control the available quantities of each one of them, to which people they have been delivered and when, as well as the profiles that the operators who use them must have.
In addition, in the configuration of maintenance tasks, tools and PPE can be associated with specific operations, indicating whether their use is mandatory or recommended, validating their use and knowledge on the part of the operators.
Technical-legal ranges
Tcman offers its customers a service of implementation of technical-legal maintenance ranges and their subsequent maintenance and updating year after year for the following groups of equipment:
Climate control
Domestic hot water
Fire protection
Refrigeration installations
Low voltage
Areas of application
GIM is currently implemented as a maintenance solution in the following sectors:
Vehicle fleets (buses, trucks, tankers, etc.)
Maintenance companies
Production plants (automotive, food, chemical, etc.)
Pharmaceutical laboratories
Office buildings and hotels
Municipalities, universities and hospitals
Roads, motorways and rail infrastructure
Civil works
Traffic (toll systems, signalling, etc.)
Street lighting
Integration with other systems and Scadas
Thanks to the ease of adaptation and customisation of the system to the needs of each client, GIM has a great capacity for integration with other systems, allowing it to be integrated into the work processes or circuits of each client and adapting to the corporate management systems already in place.
Currently, in the different installations where it is implemented, GIM is integrated with other systems such as SAP, Navision, AS-400, SCADA systems, etc., as well as multiple incident management systems.
These integrations are usually bi-directional, i.e. both systems send and receive information to maintain consistency and synchronisation of data between the two applications.
Invoicing module
GIM has an estimate and invoicing module, which allows work orders to be associated with maintenance estimates, and the generation of delivery notes and sales invoices based on the work carried out.
The user has full traceability of the costs and sales prices linked to the work orders placed.
Business Intelligence
GIM incorporates Business Intelligence (B.I.), a solution made up of analysis and support tools which mainly help decision making and thus have a clearer and more intelligent vision of the business.
By using pivot tables in Excel format, the user can combine and cross-reference decision variables, as well as generate graphs for their representation.
The overall implementation of the indicators, the monitoring of trends over time and the evaluation of the installation in comparison to others is a process basic to the control that the company needs to carry out and that with Business Intelligence it is possible.
Configurable indicators
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measures, agreed in advance, that reflect the critical success factors of an organisation. KPIs are important to the organisation because they are highly effective in exposing, quantifying and visualising deficiencies.
The K.P.I.’s in GIM are tailored to each organisation reflecting its objectives and can be modified as the organisation’s goals change, helping to eliminate all unnecessary activities and quantifying inefficiencies, thus contributing to an overall improvement of the system.
Management of heritage documentation
In asset management, the organisation and availability of documentation, both legal and technical, is of particular importance. GIM has a complete asset management module.

Face-to-face control
From GIM web we can clock in and manage the clockings, so that we receive automatic notifications in the event that a person has clocked in outside their time range. GIM Android allows a presence control, by reading NFC tags, having tagged entries and exits we can control when maintenance personnel access the buildings and when they have performed maintenance. From GIM we already have available the management of shifts that will allow you to organize the calendars of your staff in an intuitive way.
GIM incorporates in its asset/ESM files a new BIM tab, where the asset is geolocated in the 3D model, and you can interact with it, in a web browser, you can navigate through the model and consult both the information and the GIM parts of any asset. Advantages:
Easy and intuitive location of assets in the 3D model.
Locate nearby parts and equipment for optimisation of interventions.
Identify very simply in the 3D model needs for PPE, access, keys, permissions, etc.
Use the 3D model to review the performance status of critical equipment, and view its GIM information.
Bulk search for assets in the 3D model (e.g. all luminaires of a type).
Legal and recommended technical preventive
GIM is integrated with the BEDEC technical-legal ranges database of the ITeC (https://itec.es/servicios/bedec/). Through this integration, the preventive, conductive or legal and recommended technical substitute for all types of general service machines created in GIM is easily kept updated. With an approximate frequency of 6 months, BEDEC and therefore GIM, is updated with the latest developments that appear in the regulations and BOE’s, which provides total reliability regarding the validity of the legal technical maintenance applied.
Smart Planner
GIM makes it possible to optimise and simplify the planning of the execution of tasks, as well as to adapt this planning in real time to unforeseen events. As a result, it offers at all times a global and real vision of the status, progress and degree of execution of all the works considered and the resources involved (personnel, vehicles, machinery, etc.).